Washing glove - Truckssupply

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Washing glove from Truckssupply
The Washing Glove from Truckssupply is a high-quality microfiber wash glove with foam and lined interior for optimal water absorption and washing comfort. This wash glove glides super light over the surface. With this wash glove you distribute the shampoo optimally, making it easy to loosen dirt. Due to the fine structure of the microfibers, this wash glove easily absorbs dirt. The microfibers are scratch-free, even on the most delicate paintwork.
The washing glove absorbs a lot of suds from the bucket and releases them evenly on the surface to be washed. The plush mixed fibers are designed to remove dirt particles from your paintwork and trap them deep in the fibers of the Washing Glove . This means that the dirt is deeply embedded in the washing glove and the chance of washing scratches is minimized. When rinsing the glove in the dirty water bucket, the dirt will be easily rinsed out.
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Washing glove - Truckssupply
Veilig & Krasvrij
Hoge Absorptie
Duurzaam & Eenvoudig te Reinigen
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